The Young Kashmiri Lads Add Respect to Pakistani Anthem
They say A paradise on earth is Kashmir , this land is a dream in the face of mother earth , the land is not only rich in resources but also is gifted with the immense amount of creativity and diversity. The latest feature presents a masterpiece introduced by two Kashmiri brothers , Umar Majeed , aged 18 and Zubair Ahmed , aged 22 and came up with the idea to play Pakistan’s national anthem over santoor and rabab , this instrumental piece has break the internet and turns out to be a massive hit over social media.
The boys have earned appreciations immensely , no doubt the symphony make us proud in every inch and are definitely confident to represent our social and cultural bonds between Pakistan & Kashmir . These boys have illustrated the inspiration of Kashmir folk music , this may also encourage our youth for such motivational instrumental pieces to be introduced.
The young boys also know how to play the western instruments and are on the verge to come up with some new creativity. we hope that this pair of young mates may grow to further pursue the music chase.