Are all the men hideous in ‘Main Bushra’?
We live in a society ruled by preconceived notions and false beliefs, where women are marked by stigma based on an unjustified way of thinking. ‘Main Bushra’ is a story of such a girl who has to face this difficulty her entire life. She is insulted by her own father and the family also ddoesn’tsupport her. They are seven sisters in all and they unconsciously clash with each other. Zinnia has been the spoilt one and is not willing to listen to anyone.
Kamran being Zinnia’s love interest they planned to elope but then Bushra saw them and the young couple transferred the whole story on Bushra. They started blaming her that Bushra wants to marry Kamran and she is running away. The father didn’t like Bushra since ever and always consider her as a nuisance; she was thrown out of the house without her father listening to her. Fizza calls Fazeela to come over and Kashan tried to resolve everything but still the father is being stubborn.
With lots of counseling and thinking Bushra’s father decides that they should call Kamran’s family and get the Nikkah done. He is always thinking about the norms of the society and nothing matters to him. In this entire situation Zinnia is quiet and is not letting out the secret, Bushra called the family and in a natural way the relation took place but this cracked Zinnia. She outburst and spoke the truth about Kamran that he was flirting with Zinnia and he did this act to affront Bushra.
What do you think will happen next? If you have missed any of the episodes watch them here.