All’s Well That Ends Well: ‘Dehleez’
Parents are the most important people in our life and we must love and respect them till our last breath. ‘Dehleez’ is the story of a woman who faces many hardships and problems in order to create a better life for her children. She was thrown out of her house by her own husband, and she settles in an underprivileged neighborhood. There, with the help and support of her neighbors she is able to rise on her feet and support her children.
All the parents want their children to have a better life than their own and Eden Apa also wanted the same her entire life. She brought put those kids and made them stand on their feet to lead a better life than hers. Shabana was approached to get married to Arman but she laid down some conditions before the relationship could take place, she was not ready to leave her mother’s house and would not stop working. With lots of thoughts Arman said yes and he accepted all the conditions by Shabana.
People are meant to make mistakes but once a person realizes the mistake, it’s okay to forgive them. Eden Apa also forgave everyone and all the grudges got solved. It was a happy ending and we must always respect and love our parents. Our parents can do mistakes but we must always forgive them and they should never ask for forgiveness from the kids. Our mother’s prayers are very important and it is much needed in our lives.
The journey of Eden Apa’s struggle is depicted in a heart-touching manner that makes ‘Dehleez’ a masterpiece to remember. The lesson that we learnt was to always put our parents first and the parents should always think about their child’s future. ‘Dehleez’ was all about loving our parents and the story in 250 plus episodes will leave the impression of kindness in our hearts. You can always refresh your memories by watching all the episodes of ‘Dehleez’ here.
What did you learn from the drama ‘Dehleez’?