“We should Respect our Home-land Pakistan” says Mathira
In the past, lives were not the same peaceful way like it is in the present, it is all because of our leaders who gave us an independent land. Pakistan got independence about 66 years ago and this leads to our very own nation now by the name of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The whole Pakistan and every Pakistani is enjoying 14th Augusts’ day and is in full patriotic theme. The roads and streets are decorated with our National flag and every kid, youngster and the elders are feeling the true sense of this day.
With the crowd of Pakistan our celebrities from the entertainment world are also celebrating this day. Talking to Mathira, one of the Pakistan’s well known host, model and singer she shared, “We should respect our mother-land and stay patriotic to it. Whether one is born in Pakistan or shifted here we should take care of it and work for its unity.”
Currently Pakistan is divided in different political parties and the people from different religions don’t unite so on this note Mathir said “Whether you are a Muslim, Hindu or Christian we all are humans and above all Pakistanis so therefore we must respect each other.” Fame is not everyone’s cup of tea, it is by luck or by people’s support and Pakistani’s support her a lot. “I am a half Pakistani and half Zimbabwean but still the people have supported me a lot. There are two types of people in this world. There are the negative thinkers and the other one is the positive people. I only give importance to the positive ones as they have a brighter mind.”
“We should support our Pakistani cinemas and give them importance like we do to the international films. If we want Pakistan to prosper and we must support it.” On asking Mathira her goals for Pakistan so she she shared “As a Pakistani I don’t promise to do anything but I believe do to the best i can for Pakistan, I believe that all the respect that I got from is because of God and Pakistan and I am very thankful.” Mahira message for Pakistanis is “Have you ever seen a Pakistani littering in UK or USA, no, why because they have to follow the rules there. So its better to follow the basic rules if we want to respect and show our love to Pakistan.”
Other Pakistani celebrities are also celebrating independence day and are very happy about today so reading them on Twitter we have assembled some tweets regarding this day.
Happy Independence Day To All Pakistani..Jashan E Azadi Mubarak Ho.. Regards : Hamza Ali Abbasi.. pic.twitter.com/TAFbSiuMlD
— Hamza Ali Abbasi (@RealOneHamzaAli) August 13, 2014
— Ali Zafar (@AliZafarsays) August 13, 2014
Allama Iqbal Pose 🙂 ? …Happy Independent day guys ..#LongLivePakistan & keep remember our #PakArmy & #ZarbeAzb pic.twitter.com/DjF6w5fcfk
— Ayesha Khan (@AyeshaKhanReal) August 14, 2014
Happy Birthday Pakistan.
— Bilal Lashari (@blashari) August 13, 2014
Patriotism feels like hypocrisy at this point. Can’t defy my principles for one holiday #august14 just cause nation is feeling pseudo-senti — Ushna Shah (@ushnashah) August 14, 2014
Pakistan zindabad !?? — Humaima Malick (@HumaimaMalick) August 14, 2014
I greet congratulations to all Pakistanis in Pakistan and all over the world on 14th August , the Independence day of Pakistan
— Junaid Jamshed (@JunaidJamshedPK) August 14, 2014
#PakistanIsBestBecause #Pakistan is the only #Muslim country that is a Nuclear Power. #HappyIndependenceDay #LongLivePakistan #AzadiParade — Sanam Baloch (@realsanambaloch) August 13, 2014
Live long Pakistan.ameen
— Shahid Afridi (@SAfridiOfficial) August 13, 2014
#HappyIndependenceDay Pakistan 🙂 Feeling proud
— Fahad Mustafa (@fahadmustafa26) August 13, 2014
Independence day is the day for all to remember the leaders who made Pakistan possible and gave us a separate nation. We must love Pakistan and spread the message of peace and love among all.