“Mubarak ho Beti Hui Hai” ended leaving everyone impressed and puzzled at the same time. The drama during its small run left a number of parents with questions about how they treat their daughters.
“Mubarak ho Beti Hui hai” was a roller coaster ride for both the emotional and rational sections of our society.
Naheed who was the unfortunate mother in the beginning, turned out to be the most fortunate woman towards the end.
Her daughters got married and lived happily. Amber took revenge from her father and she got influenced by Ahsan’s love and thought that she could not afford to lose the love of his life.
Being aware of Amber’s intentions, Ahsan tried to maintain distance from his wife and granted her to accomplish her mission of hatred but begged her not to play with his feelings.
This melted Amber’s heart and just to win back Ahsan’s trust, she took care of Obaid like her own brother.
On the other hand, Anum got a scholarship to study further in abroad, but first she ignored the opportunity and convinced her husband, Dr.Junaid to love his first wife as he loves her.
Iqra, who suffered a lot in life after her first marriage failed, then tied the knot with Irfan’s younger brother.
Despite knowing Iqra’s marital status and avoiding the rumour regarding Naheed and Irfan’s affair, the groom accepted Iqra as his wife.
The drama took a twist when Sadiq, the ill-fated father, met an accident and Aneela, his second wife, refused to come back to Pakistan and look after him. Aneela’s refusal satisfied some viewers who thought that it served Sadiq well, as the woman he chose over his daughters and loyal wife in the end refused to help him when he needed her the most.
At the end, nobody except Naheed and her three daughters, took care of him that made him feel miserable and guilty for his past deeds. He apologized to Naheed, who magnanimously forgave him but refused to move back with him.
As everything was going smooth and clear, Amber broke her pregnancy news to everyone multiplying everyone’s happiness. As if this was not enough, she gave birth to a baby girl.
Sadiq, who was once against “DAUGHTERS”, welcomed his granddaughter by announcing everyone in the hospital “MUBARAK HO BETI HUI HAI”.
“All’s well that ends well”
Big Bang production celebrated success with the ending of the most touching drama of 2017.
Let us know if you loved this drama or if it made you or anyone else rethink his/her behavior with their daughters by writing your thoughts in the comments section.
To watch this episode