Bring out the cake, light the candles, pop the confetti, it’s that time of the year again! ARY Digital turns 15 and we are absolutely over the moon with excitement CELEBRATING 15 YEARS. What started off as a single channel now stands proud as a television empire. With many channels under its wing, ARY digital has become the largest broadcasting network in Asia.
ARY Digital has created a niche in all age groups throughout the masses. Churning out various genres of programs such as dramas, sitcoms, magazine shows, reality shows, morning shows, children’s programs and occasion based shows; the television network has quality entertainment on offer for everyone. It also boasts its very own production house that has come up with movies that have played a substantial role in reviving the Pakistani cinema. The 2013 box-office blockbuster, ‘Waar’, with an 8.5 IMDB rating, propelled the film industry into an era of cinematic excellence. With the release of Pakistan’s first full length animated feature film, ‘3 Bahadur’, the local film industry cemented its position in the world of animation. With a positive message and a unique story line, ‘3 Bahadur’ garnered many positive reviews at home and abroad, winning various national and international accolades along the way.
Also often dubbed as the drama channel or the family channel, ARY has lots of immensely popular dramas under its banner. To name a few, we have one of the most successful dramas to run in recent history, ‘Pyaarey Afzal’, which gained a loyal fan base across the world with love being sent in from all directions for the monumental show. Other popular dramas to have surfaced under the name of ARY Digital have been, the widely acclaimed ‘Daam’ and the much applauded ‘Shakk’, to name a few.
We have ARY’s newest venture into the world of entertainment, namely ‘Jeeto Pakistan’ which has a tremendous following and a viewership that spans countrywide and overseas. This recent jewel in ARY’s crown is one of the most beloved entertainment shows to be aired at present, with a main aim to bring smiles and joy to the ones who need it most.
Last, but certainly not the least, the credit for all the current success of ARY goes to Mr. Abdul Razzak Yaqoob. It was his acute sense of business coupled with an honest, dedicated and diligent approach towards providing quality entertainment to the masses, which resulted in the ARY that we see today. Definitely without his efforts, it would have been impossible to garner such achievements, accolades and laurels in a brief span of 15 years.