ARY Digital-Maryam Kasay Jiye
Episode 2 Review
Another week of woman central serial “Maryam Kasay Jiye”. Maryam ties in the knot with Farooq. Farooq dies in car accident. Every one excluding Marayam’s grandmother (Salma) consider that Maryam is responsible for Farooq’s death as she is sinister.
Sadia (Maryam’s stepmother) rebukes her all the time for domestic work. She loathes her a lot and says that she is a bad omen. She wants to marry off Maryam with the owner of Tyre Puncture Shop as soon as possible. Actually she wants to get free from her on priority basis.
Maryam’s father Javed is running a small business. He suffers major losses in business. Sadia says that Maryam is responsible for all business losses.
Maryam’s grandmother supports her a lot. She sustains her education expenses smoothly. Moreover, she says to Javed that ‘’I will bear her wedding expenses and will find a suitable proposal for her, you should not be anxious for her wedding expenses”.
Maryam went with her grandmother in the park. She ran into a guy named Ahmed.Ahmed shows his interest in Maryam and wishes to tie the knot with her. Love at first sight. He sends his proposal to Maryam’s house. Finally, both families show their mutual consent to the proposal.
When someone is not allowed to write his/her destiny, then why he/she is responsible for its bad and good outcomes? Please share your valuable thoughts.